
Monday, December 27, 2010

My Daily Devotional

What Happens When You Die

"Therefore, just as son entered the world through one man, and death through sin and in this way death came to all men because all sinned..."
Romans 5:12

What happens when you die? Imagine for a moment that you've just been in a terrible car accident on your way to work. The ambulance has arrived, but it's too late. Your body is now cold and lifeless, and is taken to the morgue. Actually the very moment your heart stopped beating, your soul, the conscious part of you that never dies, was literally ripped from your body, and you opened your eyes in this great courtroom. You've never seen so many people before, and shield your eyes from the brightness of the One sitting on the throne. It is now your time, and you are brought before Him. There, a book is put in front of you, with all the records of your life, nothing is left out, all the good things you did, and all the bad things you did are recorded. At the end of the book, is a list of names. You notice the name of the book, it is the Lamb's Book of Life. They look for your name, and it is not there. Someone, says Guilty, your name is not listed. You kick and scream as you are led out, and shout there must be some mistake, I am not a bad person. You are led to a burning lake of fire, and hear the screams of thousands filling the air with piercing voices as they suffer in the never ending flames. You see Satan, standing in one corner, and wonder how you allowed him to deceive you all those years on earth. Reality begins to sink in. Could I really be in Hell? I never thought much about Hell, and besides, what great crime did I commit? As you begin to panic, you begin to cry out to God, who in life you thought very little about, asking Him to send some relief to the hot flames that are now surrounding you. God tells you about the huge gulf that keeps you from the place in Heaven, and tells you that you will never escape. You begin to think about the time that your friend shared salvation with you, but you slammed the door in his face. If only you had listened to this simple message, you would not be here today. You now begin to think about your family, and want to warn them of this awful place, and that they still have a chance, the very same opportunity you had, and you want so badly to tell them to seize this opportunity. Being consumed in a fire is terrible enough, but to have to endure it throughout the ages, you can't comprehend. You think, after I have been here for 1 billion years, it will still be like the first day. There is no escape for me. My friends, this is the scenario that each of you will face, if you continue to reject Jesus as your Lord and Savior. You are a sinner, and need Jesus to forgive you of your sins. The road to salvation is clearly presented in the New Testament. There is only one way you will ever be able to escape this horrible fate, and that way is to ask Jesus to come into your heart, and acknowledge the fact that Jesus died on the cross to save you from all the sins you have committed, and was raised from the dead, so you could be saved. You must commit that you will serve Him, and obey His commands for the rest of your life. This is the only way to avoid Hell, and the scenario above. You still have a chance to escape Hell, and you must not let it pass you by. You are not promised tomorrow, as you could be the one in the accident today, and this afternoon you could be the one facing this future. Don't put off this simple message, but ask Jesus to come into your heart right now. Don't let this scenario be your scenario, as you still have a chance to have your name recorded in The Lambs Book of Life, and found "Not Guilty."

(Many of my readers have asked if my Daily Devotionals have been published and if they could purchase them. The Devotionals I am posting are from My Daily Devotional Volume III which was published in 2009 and can be purchased at or from me at

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