
Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Daily Devotional

Establishing a Foundation

“If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered.”
Proverbs 21:13

It is essential that the lives of any parents be grounded on the word of God. Our gifts, our acts of kindness, our love for others will get God’s attention, and it will also get the attention of our children. They will begin to see how they can also affect the lives of people around them. It will start the blessings flowing in their own lives. It will change them. I am witnessing this in our family each and every day. Our youngest son, as mentioned previously has been called into the ministry. This calling has been in his heart for some time as we have talked over the years, and he has been very interested in ways to help others. He has shown a passion over the years to want to help, encourage and meet the needs of people around him. Our daughter has always had such a talent as an encourager to others, and is now devoting much of her time and talent to be a sounding board and encourager to the people in her church. She is so gifted in this regard and God is using her to affect the lives of others. Our oldest son has always been a perfect example of someone who is living his life for God, and has such a talent to make everybody he comes into contact with feel good about themselves. He has made such a lasting impression with the people in our community and our church that they are constantly asking about him even though he moved out of the area many years ago. He still has this ability and I can see this in his life today. All of our children have been able to embrace God’s command that they are to love others as God loves them, and are putting this commandment to practice in their everyday lives. By putting God first in your family you are establishing a foundation for your children that will last forever.

(Many of my readers have asked if my Daily Devotionals have been published and if they could purchase them. The Devotionals I am posting are from My Daily Devotional Volume III which was published in 2009 and can be purchased at or from me at

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