
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Confess Your Sins

Confess Your Sins

“Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me.”
Psalm 51:2-3

Most people find it difficult to admit to themselves or especially others that they have blown it. How many times have you heard a fellow Christian admit to someone that they have sinned, but most people sin daily, and have a tendency to minimize what we have done and not fully confess it to God? Think back on your day as you prepare for bed and ask yourself, if you are going to confess your sin to God. If you don’t, you are hindering your spiritual growth and renewal. King David, in the scripture above, was a great example of someone who confessed his sins to God, as he was confessing his terrible transgression against Uriah and Bathsheba. He did not minimize it, as it was weighing heavy on his heart. He cried out for God’s cleansing and forgiveness. He asked God to forgive him, and renew a right spirit within him. In order for our spirit to be renewed, it must be forgiven and cleansed by the power of God, through our confession and repentance. How often have you heard Christians try to justify their sins, by saying things like “I’m only human”, or “it is just a habit of mine, it’s in my nature”, or even worse “God created me this way. "I can’t change, and God will just have to change me”. These types of confessions will destroy a right spirit within you, and hinder your spiritual growth. It is important that you begin to confess your sins to God each day, and ask Him for forgiveness, and to give you strength to not commit these sins again, as it is God’s command that you do not continue sinning, after you have accepted Him as your savior.

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