
Saturday, April 2, 2011

God Answers Our Prayers

God Answers Our Prayers

“Give me relief from my distress; be merciful to me and hear my prayer.”
Psalm 4:1

Are you waiting for God to answer your prayers? I would venture to guess that everyone reading this devotional today has some unanswered prayer that you are waiting for God to answer. Your prayer may be about your finances, about a health issue, about your relationship with your spouse, but no matter what your specific need is you need to continue to ask God for your answer. As I have counseled with people over the years, the biggest mistake I see people making is that they start drifting away from God when their prayers are not met immediately. You need to realize that God does not respond in our time frame, as His time is not our time. You need to be like the persistent widow in the Bible and not give up on God. God knows your situation, He knows that you are having financial problems; He knows that your health is bad, He knows the problems you may be having in your marriage. God knows all about these situations, as He even knows the number of the hairs on your head. When you have problems you need to get even closer to God and not pull away. You need to pray more, read the Bible more, go to church more, do anything that will bring you closer to God. This is the way to get God’s attention, and have your prayers answered. Don’t drift away from God, but get closer to Him, when you are having problems. The key to finding peace as you wait, is to know that God knows you and your needs better than you do. You will find that as you are obedient and faithful in your worship, you will wake up one day and realize that God has responded. It may not be in the exact way you wanted, but in God’s perfect timing He will respond.

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