
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Don't Stop Trying

Don't Stop Trying “The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.” Psalm 145:8 I have always loved to cook and have several recipes that I am really proud of and enjoy making for my family. The majority of the time everything turns out just the way I want it to, but there have been some exceptions. I remember one time that I had an experience in the kitchen that reminds me so much of the meaning of the above scripture. It was one morning many years ago on my wife’s birthday that I wanted to surprise her with breakfast in bed. I usually get up before her and this morning I got out of bed and went to the kitchen and was going to make her something really special. I had never made biscuits before as I always let her make them, but this morning I decided to try as it looked easy when she made them. I finally found the flour but in my haste to get it open I spilled a cup of it on the floor. Just as I was starting to sweep it up, Trajan our Black Lab came in, and flour and a Black Lab don’t mix very well. As I tried to get Trajan cleaned up pretty well I also knocked over the milk which didn’t make things any better. I then gave up and made toast to go along with the rest of breakfast which turned out good. The point of this is that sometimes we try to do something good in life, but it turns into a mess. We can insult a friend and not realize it, we can do something wrong in our job and not know it, or our health can cause us to react in a bad way to someone we love. When these things happen we sometimes can’t think of what to do. That’s when God picks us up and loves and forgives us, and helps clean up our mess. It is so nice to have a God that can overlook our mistakes, and still love us. We must not give up just like we can’t stop trying to make biscuits, because sooner or later we’ll get it right, and then God will be pleased with us. Robert W. Brock My Daily Devotional Volume Seven August 24

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