
Monday, August 5, 2013

Dream Your Dreams

Dream Your Dreams “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” Acts 2:17 Are you satisfied with where you are today in your life? Are your days happy, and joy filled, and you are where God wants you to be? I have always been a dreamer. As far back as my memory takes me I have always had lofty dreams about what I wanted to accomplish in life, and always had full expectations that I could accomplish just about anything that I set my mind to. I owe this confidence to my grandmother, and as I have thought over the years about her, the one thing that she instilled in me was the idea that I could do anything I ever wanted to do. She was the most positive person I have ever been around. I grew up with her and somehow she knew, and was able to give me her gift of positive thinking, and I now credit this gift as being probably the most important thing in my life, that has helped me to be successful throughout my business career. I believe God places dreams within us. Our dreams and deep desires are part of his plan for our lives. I believe there are two steps that are essential if our dreams are to become a reality. The first step is that we must hold on to our dreams, and not let anyone take them away from us. Our dream was important to us or we would not have had it. The second step is that we must be able to visualize our dreams coming to be a reality. If we can’t see them being fulfilled, chances are that we will not put forth the effort necessary to make them come true. So live out your dreams, and let others know that God made your dreams come true, and let them know that he can do this for them. My Daily Devotional Volume Six August 5 Robert William Brock, Jr.

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