
Thursday, August 29, 2013

My Little Princess My Daughter Pamela “He who fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for his children it will be a refuge.” Proverbs 14:26 I remember gazing intently through the small window at the hospital, at a small metal crib filled with a yellow, blue and white striped blanket. My eyes were fixed on this small crib, and I could not focus on anything else in the room, only on this small crib. This crib held something more precious to me than anything I had ever possessed, because nestled inside this blanket was my beautiful little newborn daughter, my little princess, Pamela. I can remember holding her for the first time, as she seemed so fragile, so small and so beautiful. I had never seen anything more beautiful and precious. God had given me an angel. I would have given my life instantly for her, and had only known her for a few minutes. How could something instantly make that much of an impact on my life? Looking back I believe this one moment was probably the happiest moment of my life. We have had two other children since my little princess, and I love all of my children as much as the other, but the moment I saw my little princess, was the first time I had ever experienced emotions like this in my life. This was different than anything else I had ever experienced, and is difficult to describe the pride, joy, happiness, gratitude, thankfulness and peace that was in my life at that moment. I wanted my little princess to be brought up in a family where God was present, and where he would be able to lead me, guide me, and give me wisdom to make her the best she could be. Together my wife and I provided a loving home for my little princess during the time we had her. She has now grown up, and is now a loving wife and mother to our two grandchildren. She will always be my little princess. My Daily Devotional Volume Six August 29 Robert William Brock, Jr.

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