
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Find Your Peace

Find Your Peace "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Luke 6:20 This morning, I received another e-mail from one of my readers, telling me that they had asked Jesus into their heart. I usually will get several of these each week and look forward each morning to getting to my computer and being blessed with these. I am always thrilled to know that one of my devotionals, may have led someone to know Christ as their savior. This also makes me think about just what it is like to know that I am saved, and to know what the future holds for me. I know that most of you had thoughts when you were young, about what you wanted to do in your life, such as what your occupation would be, who you would marry, where you would live, and all the other plans you made. I am also sure that the majority of these plans never became realities, as your life today does not resemble what your plans were. However, when you ask Jesus into your heart, and accept him as your Savior, you know for a certainty what the future holds for you. Accepting Jesus, into your heart gives you the peace, comfort and assurance of where you will spend your eternity, and takes away all the uncertainty. When we don't know what the future holds for us, we find ourselves bogged down in worry and indecision, as we struggle with problems and the daily trials of life. We find that we are alone, and adrift in a vast sea of emptiness, not knowing which way to turn, and what decision to make. However, when we have asked Jesus into our heart, we have Him to rely on, and help lead us on the paths that He wants us to travel. When you are saved, all the concerns of the world are not resting on your shoulders, but are resting on God's shoulders. When you ask Jesus into your heart, you will find this peace and comfort. Secure your future today, by asking Jesus into your heart. Robert W. Brock My Daily Devotional Volume Seven December 28

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