
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Daily Devotional

Bring God Back to the Family

“Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who finds great delight in his commands. His children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed.”
Psalm 112:1-2

From the beginning God ingrained in man that he was to be a protector of his wife and his family. He was to watch over and care for the ones he loves and is in charge of. Just as Jesus was the shepherd and in charge of his flock, so is man in charge of the care and protection of his family. In the world today, there is so much evil all around us that is invading our homes and our families that must be blocked from our lives, so that our focus is not diverted away from doing what is right. Satan is at work in our society, and will fill our minds, thoughts and attitudes with his devious schemes, to divert us away from God and His teachings. I believe that man is being challenged like never before in our history by the things of this world, to turn away from true moral and Christian values and follow worldly trends. It is difficult to stay focused on God with all the pressure exerted on our families and our children in today’s society. The television, music, internet, fads and trends of today, send the message to our families that these things are the norm, the things we should do and follow. But many of these are not the things that God wants us to follow, as so many of our television programs, our music, our magazines and newspapers are promoting a life style that is not acceptable to God and His teachings. Satan is attacking our culture as he has never before. We are being bombarded with immorality, sexual pressures, temptations and evil every where we turn. Our government is giving in to Satan, and has even allowed God to be taken out of our schools. Our children are not being given the freedom to pray in our schools, or be taught good moral Christian values by their teachers. I can remember when I was in school, we began our day with prayer, and much of what we were taught had to do with Godly principles of respect, caring for others, building friendships, and how to love and get along with others. They were things that were Biblical in nature, and things that have followed me throughout my life. Our children of today are not being given this opportunity in their schools to be taught these same family values, as they are not being taught about God and His teachings. Children are also receiving little or no instruction about God in their homes, as many parents have not been taught these values as well. This is why there are so many broken families throughout our country, as God is not present in our families and our schools, to influence and direct our young people. Our children are brought up without God in their lives, and do as their parents do. Our children are imitators of their parents and learn from them. When God is not present in the home, the family can become dysfunctional, and this will be carried on to their children. I believe that there has never been such an important time as today, for parents to step up and take the responsibility to begin to turn around the situation our families are in. Parents must become the leaders of their families once again, as God commands us to do, in order to reverse this trend, and take back the control of our families. I believe God places this responsibility directly on the shoulders of the parents. The broken homes that we see in today’s society is due partly to the parents not managing their families as God commands. We have the responsibility to keep evil out of our family, and to instruct our children in the way of the Lord. Man has a tremendous responsibility in these troubled times to protect his family from all these pressures. The most important thing we can do is to make sure the presence of God is at the forefront of our family. Living for God each day and following his scriptures in all aspects of our life, is the only way that we will be assured that the true Christian family values will prevail, and be carried out by our children.

(Many of my readers have asked if my Daily Devotionals have been published and if they could purchase them. The Devotionals I am posting are from My Daily Devotional Volume III which was published in 2009 and can be purchased at or from me at

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