
Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Daily Devotional

Have You Been Transformed

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
Romans 12:2

This scripture is my second most favorite scripture in the Bible, followed only by Isaiah 26:3. What is so important about this verse is that it tells me that when Jesus came into my heart that my life changed, and I became no longer a part of this world, but was transformed into a new me. My son in law is a programmer and I believe our lives before Christ was programmed into us. The world that we were exposed to had taken over our lives, and thus we became the people we were. The influences of our family, our friends and peers, our teachers, our jobs and all the experiences we were surrounded with made us what we had been. If we grew up in a Christian environment this was programmed into us, and if we grew up in a non Christian environment we developed a philosophy of how to survive and cope and succeed in the world apart from God. But my scripture tells me that when I became a Christian my sins were washed away, and I was reprogrammed and transformed into a new person. I cast aside all the influences and experiences that had made me what I was, and was transformed into a new being, and now became influenced by new people in Christ, new friends in Christ, new peers in Christ and new surroundings, the House of God. But the most important thing in my scripture is that my mind was reprogrammed and transformed from the things of the world, to the things of Jesus Christ. God designed us to live in fellowship with God and to fulfill His purpose and His plan for our lives, but we were born physically alive but spiritually dead in a sin filled world. We had to be born again, and be transformed and reprogrammed into the person that God wanted us to become.

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