
Saturday, January 22, 2011

My Daily Devotional

Don’t Give up Praying

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
Matthew 7:7-8

Throughout the Bible Jesus tells us the importance of prayer in our lives. Our pastors tell us every Sunday the importance of prayer, and what the power of prayer can do. So many times when we have difficulties and problems that we cannot handle by ourselves we pray to God for help in dealing with our situations. Usually we expect an immediate response from God to help us deal with whatever is troubling us. We pray for something and expect it to happen immediately or shortly after. We become impatient, and many times become discouraged because God does not instantly answer our prayers. As Christians we need to learn patience, and to not give up if our prayers are not immediately answered. Jesus teaches us a valuable lesson about our prayer life in the parable of the persistent widow, who did not give up, and I believe that Jesus does not want us to give up in our prayer life. We need to be persistent going to Him with our prayers. It does not matter how we pray or how eloquent we are, as God knows our hearts and understands our motives. If we are sincere and really want to reach God, we only need to pray earnestly to God and He will hear us. Our prayers bring us into God’s presence and He will then hear us and listen to us. But most of all our prayers can lead us to our salvation which must be our main goal in life. Our prayer life is the way that each of us can talk directly to God, who is always there to hear us. When you pray to God, thank Him for your blessings, and then ask Him to let His will be done in your life, not your will but God’s will.

(Many of my readers have asked if my Daily Devotionals have been published and if they could purchase them. The Devotionals I am posting are from My Daily Devotional Volume III which was published in 2009 and can be purchased at or from me at

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