
Monday, January 21, 2013

New Things

New Things "From now on I will tell you of new things, of hidden things unknown to you." Isaiah 48:6 As we are only a few days into the new year, and most people are busy implementing their new year's resolutions, I am reminded of an old saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Well, the truth is, just because "it" is working (whatever "it" is) does not mean "it" cannot be improved upon. I would like to think that many of you are having a great deal of success doing what you are doing the way you are doing it, but that doesn't mean you should be closed to some new ideas. Even the best concepts and methods can grow old and stale without some positive overhaul. The new year could be an opportunity for you to make some very positive changes in your personal life. For instance, could the time you spend alone with God each day use some fine-tuning? Are you giving Him the "first fruits" of the morning? Is there a person in your life, either a family member or friend, where a disagreement, bitterness, or misunderstanding has hindered that relationship? You could begin the new year with a clean slate by getting this resolved, which would be a positive change. Maybe you could reflect and look back at your life, and see a character flaw that needs to be perfected, such as patience, sense of humor, attitude, work ethic, compassion, pride, etc.? The new year could be a year of positive change for you in one of these areas. I know for me there will be some changes that I want to make in my life, as I want to deepen my relationship with God, and learn to depend on Him more and not on myself. I want God to direct my life more, and give me the courage to make the changes that need to be made, and patience to deal with those things that cannot, or need to be changed. My Daily Devotional Volume Six January 21, 2013 Robert William Brock, Jr.

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