
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Everything Is Possible

Everything Is Possible

"Everything is possible for him who believes."
Mark 9:23

This scripture is what Jesus said to the father of the boy with an evil spirit, just before He ordered the evil spirit to come out of him. There are many scriptures throughout the Bible where we are told that if we believe, that anything is possible through God. The Bible even tells us that if we only had faith as small as a mustard seed, we could move mountains. We see miracles being performed throughout the Bible, where people only touched the hem of Jesus' garments and were healed. The disciples performed miracle after miracle because people had faith, and believed enough to be healed of their infirmities. Just like the scripture above states, "Everything is possible for him who believes", and this promise is still alive today. God still does miracles today, and if we believe and have enough faith, our bodies can still be healed, our relationships can still be mended, and all our needs can still be met. God has not forgotten us, but we have forgotten Him, which is why we see very few miracles happening today. When we turn our backs on God, and don't follow His teachings, we can't expect God to answer our prayers and receive His miracles. When we don't make God number one in our lives, and don't even have a few minutes each morning to pray and read our Bibles, God is not going to answer our prayers. If you need a miracle for a health issue, a relationship, a financial need, or some other issue, God is still there, but you must reach out to Him, and make Him number one in your life. Then you must believe and have enough faith to get your miracle, because everything is possible for him who believes.

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