
Friday, May 20, 2011

A Few Minutes With God

A Few Minutes With God

"It is written: Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."
Matthew 4:4

Over the years, I have encouraged you to have a quiet time with God each morning, before you begin your day. I realize that you may think that with your busy schedule, you simply don't have enough time to read your Bible, to pray, and just spend a few minutes alone with God. However, you need to take the time, as the time you spend with God each morning, will change your outlook on the rest of the day, and your ability to handle things will go much smoother. Even if you can only start with 5 minutes each morning, read a few verses in your Bible to begin with, and think about them throughout your day, and look for ways to apply them to your life. Write them down on 3X5 cards, and take them with you, if you can't remember them. Refer to them often, and take them personal, and make them part of your day. Also, spend some time in prayer each morning, asking God to give you wisdom and understanding, to make the right choices and decisions, in all you do. Ask Him to give you the strength and power, to resist any temptation from Satan, that will come your way. Your time with God also doesn't have to end when you leave your house, as you can take Him with you on your way to work or school. You can pray while you drive, or in the quiet times during the day, just say "thank you Jesus for everything". Pray for your family, that God will bless them in all that they do, and that they will keep their eyes on Jesus in all things. Just a few minutes each morning with God, will brighten your day.

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