
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Your Father's House

Your Father's House

"In my father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you.
John 14:2

Life is a long journey for most people as the average life span is now over 70 years. Many people are blessed with a much longer life, while others have their life cut short. We don't know how long we will live, as only God knows what His plan is for us. I recall a story about a little boy who was riding alone on a bus, after visiting his grandparents house for the summer. He was looking out the window, and the scenery was not too interesting. A woman sitting beside him asked, "Are you tired of the long ride." The boy smiled and said, "I'm a little tired, but I don't mind it much. You see, my father will be meeting me when I get there." Sometimes we get tired of all the burdens and troubles of life, as we get so caught up in just dealing with day to day situations, that cause us worry, pain, and stress that seems to constantly surround us. It is difficult to deal with all of this uncertainty, not knowing what the future holds for us from one day to another. The Bible tells us that our life will be full of struggles, and that we are to be contented in all things. Paul tells us that even through all his times of suffering, that he was content, as he knew there was something waiting for him that was better. If you are struggling with problems in your life today, there will be better times ahead for you also. God tells us to not lose heart, as the things of this life are only temporary, but the things which He has for us in the future will be eternal and everlasting. Knowing that we will spend all our eternity with Christ forever, far outweighs our burdens today. Keep your eyes on Christ, and your eternity.

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