
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My Perfect Peace

My Perfect Peace

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in you."
Isaiah 26:3

As I have mentioned in previous devotionals this is my favorite verse in the Bible, because it is telling me that as long as I keep my eyes focused on God that He will give me perfect peace. It is so difficult when problems suddenly pop up in our lives that they can seem overwhelming and we can fall apart. We begin to think about the worst possible outcomes, and often think that everything is hopeless and there is no way out. Worry can quickly turn to fear of what the future might hold. When I have situations suddenly appear in my life I claim this scripture, which tells me that God is right there by my side, and that everything is going to be all right. No matter how bad the situation looks in my eyes, I claim this scripture, as I know God is still in control, and that His perfect will for me and my circumstances will work out to the plan He has for me. Throughout the years this has proven so true, as in my eyes things sometime seemed to be falling apart around me, but as I claimed this scripture as mine, they always worked out for the better, and always something good came out of them. Many times I would get impatient waiting on God, but when the timing was right God always came to my rescue. If you are going through situations in your life today, I would encourage you to claim my scripture and make it your own. You will discover, as I have, that when you keep your eyes and mind steadfast on God, that He will give you peace and comfort in all that you do, no matter how bad the storms are, or how high the mountains are, He will deliver you from them.

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