
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Salt Of The Earth

Salt Of The Earth

"Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone."
Colossians 4:6

Jesus said we are to be the salt of the earth to the world. To me this means that we are to use God's word to promote the kingdom of God to everyone. I can remember several years ago talking to a man who was a so called "intellectual". who did not believe in God and the Bible. As we talked, he said that his mother had just died because of a hernia that she had in her stomach, which had become infected, and she had suffered for many weeks before she passed away. He described her situation in detail to me, stating that there was a large protrusion from her stomach, where the hernia was located. I told him that my mother had almost the same type hernia, and the same problem as his mother, but my mother was healed. My mother is now almost 93 years old, and was healed years ago. He stated that he still did not believe in healing or the Bible, to which I replied, "how do you explain the fact that your mother is dead from the same health issue, while my mother was healed, and is still living." This seemed to take him by surprise. I was able to then share the Bible and my personal faith with him. I believe this is what is meant by being the salt of the earth, and sharing our faith in God, and what the power of it can do in our lives. I would encourage each of you to share your own personal stories about how you have seen, and experienced God work in your lives, as it can make a difference in being able to bring others to know Jesus. By doing so you are being the salt of the earth.

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