
Friday, July 1, 2011

Forgive Others

Forgive Others

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."
Ephesians 4:32

It is so important for all Christians to be forgiving and live a life of forgiveness. Forgiveness is not something we use sometimes and not other times, but we must be able to forgive at all times. Many times we may grow impatient with people when they seem to always do something that irritates us or harms us in some way, but we must remember that we also make mistakes, even though we may try hard not to. We need others to be able to forgive us when we do things that may irritate them and harm them, so likewise we need to be willing to forgive others when they irritate or harm us. This is what grace is, and we must live grace in our everyday lives, not just sometimes, but at all times. We must understand that we receive God's grace each day of our life, and we must be willing to freely pass this grace on to others. I would encourage each of you to make it a daily habit to forgive anyone that might have offended you during the day. Take just a few moments before you go to sleep at night, and think about the occasions where you might be harboring bitterness against someone, and forgive them. In the morning when you wake, make it a point to pray that in the hours ahead that when someone irritates you or harms you, that you will forgive them in advance. Just remember all the grace that Jesus gave you when he forgave all your sins, and the price He was willing to pay, and pass this on to the people in your own life. If you make this a daily practice to never let the sun go down without forgiving others, your life will change and you will find peace, and God's favor.

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